



 “I disagree that people spend too much time on leisure activities really people have a healthier work-life balance these days.”
“I disagree that people spend too much time on leisure activities. Really, people have a better work-life balance these days.”




这里有一个从Good Luck TOEFL摘得的例子:


Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Partial Answer (first two paragraphs, written incorrectly as one run-on paragraph):
I think physical education should be included as part of the daily class roster at schools. Physical education is important to keep children strong and healthy so that they can focus on their studies. Moreover, physical education classes are a form of study in their own way. By exploring exercise and other health-promoting activities, schoolkids learn important facts about their own bodies and about health in general. You cannot learn without a healthy mind, and you cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body. Gym classes are important because they promote learning by keeping students in good physical condition. If students don’t exercise every day, they can have too much energy, feeling tense and distracted. In the long run, children who don’t get exercise may become overweight and develop aches and pains from unhealthy living. All of this can lead to emotional and behavioral problems that hinder academic performance.
Partial Answer (revised to form multiple paragraphs with correct paragraph breaks):
I think physical education should be included as part of the daily class roster at schools. Physical education is important to keep children strong and healthy so that they can focus on their studies. Moreover, physical education classes are a form of study in their own way. By exploring exercise and other health-promoting activities, schoolkids learn important facts about their own bodies and about health in general.
You cannot learn without a healthy mind, and you cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body. Gym classes are important because they promote learning by keeping students in good physical condition. If students don’t exercise every day, they can have too much energy, feeling tense and distracted. In the long run, children who don’t get exercise may become overweight and develop aches and pains from unhealthy living. All of this can lead to emotional and behavioral problems that hinder academic performance.


大家都知道,在英文单词中,有很多单词长相相似,但是意思却完全不同,比如“Adversarial”不是“adverse” 和“adversary”,也不同于“advertise”。 “Quick” 不是“click”。 “opinion” 也不是 “opening”和“opinion”。然而,在托福考试中,还是会有许多考生因为太匆忙而混淆这样或那样相似的词汇。

A typical web scratch on Google may yell many more results than you really need, so you must review the resulting carefully.
And here’s the correction:
A typical web search on Google may yield many more results than you really need, so you must review the results carefully.




First paragraph of the response (incorrectly omitting some corresponding key points from both the reading and the lecture):
In the reading passage, the author is very critical of Chevalier de Seignalt’s memoirs. The passage claims that de Seignalt lied about the amount of money he had and made a false claim that he escaped jail. In contrast, the lecturer says de Seignalt’s autobiography can be trusted, claiming he was truthful about his wealth and that he accurately recounted conversations he had with the famous thinker Voltaire.

First paragraph of the response (corrected so that all key points are included):

In the reading passage, the author is very critical of Chevalier de Seignalt’s memoirs. The passage claims that de Seignalt lied about the amount of money he had, incorrectly recalled his conversations with the philosopher Voltaire, and made a false claim that he escaped jail. In contrast, the lecturer says de Seignalt’s autobiography can be trusted, claiming he was honest about his wealth, accurate in his descriptions of the talks he had with Voltaire, and truthful when he described his jailbreak.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?: Modern life is easier than life in the past. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

First paragraph of response (lacks some specific details to support the answer)I don’t think modern life is easier than it was in the past. With greater efficiency of technology, we’re expected to work even harder and produce even more. In addition, we wake up earlier and must travel farther to get to work and school



First paragraph of response (complete with specific details to support the answer)
I don’t think modern life is easier than it was in the past. With greater efficiency of technology, we’re expected to work even harder and produce even more. In addition, we wake up earlier due to another modern innovation: the alarm clock. Not only that, we’re also expected to travel farther for work and school. This is because the invention of the car has caused the layout of modern cities to become much more spread out.!

常见的托福写作错误# 5:拼音拼写错误

在托福写作中,学生可能会犯拼错科学术语这种严重的问题,如“grashum迁移”或“migasun。”或者是将 “river”拼为“liver”或“rivv”。





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